10 Algebraic Jeremy Shada Facts

If you don’t know who Jeremy Shada is, you’re totally missing out! Jeremy Shada is most well known for being the voice of Finn the Human on Adventure Time and overall awesome kid. Here’s 10 Algebraic Jeremy Shada Facts that you might not know!

1. The voice of “Pen” (Finn’s original name!)  in the pilot episode of Adventure Time was voiced by Zack Shada, Jeremy’s older brother. By the time Adventure Time got picked up, Zack’s voice sounded a little too old – but Jeremy’s was almost identical to Pen’s, landing him the job as the most mathematical cartoon character we know and love today!

2. Jeremy has voiced characters in ParaNorman, Chowder, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, and Annoying Orange as well!

3. Did you know Jeremy can sing? If you watch Adventure Time you’ve probably heard him sing some silly little songs as Finn – but he’s done covers of Justin Bieber’s “Baby” and Jason Mraz’s “Lucky”. Anyone else now dying for Jeremy to release an album?

4. Jeremy’s birthday is January 21, 1997, making him 17 currently!

5. Jeremy has starred in a few live action shows, such as Parenthood, Incredible Crew, and See Dad Run. He hopes to get more into live action acting in the future. Don’t worry though! He loves playing Finn and isn’t going anywhere!

6. Jeremy was homeschooled due to his acting schedule. He officially graduated in May 2013.

7. Jeremy has mentioned that he’d love to work with Robert Downey Jr. or Johnny Depp in the future. Maybe he can take over as Iron Man one day?

8. Jeremy is 5 feet 8 inches tall!

Finn GIF

9. Jeremy has two older brothers, Zack and Josh who are both also actors!

10. Sometimes Jeremy will answer fan question on Twitter – so make sure to follow him! He’s @JeremyShada! He’s also jeremyshada on Instagram – so go get your follow on!

We hope you liked our Jeremy Shada Facts! If we missed any important facts, let us know in the comments!

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