Who Wins? 100 Historical Figures Go Head to Head

“Who Wins?” is the silliest, most hilarious way for you to both learn your historical facts and figures as well as play a really fun game! It was created by Clay Swartz and illustrated by Tom Booth, and we’re super excited that our friends at Workman Publishing sent us over a copy – it’s been an endless source of entertainment at YAYOMG headquarters ever since!

Who Wins?
So first, let us tell you all about the guts of the book. Inside, you’ll find 100 historical figures, most of which you’ve probably read about in a history book for school and have been like “literally who even cares about Christopher Columbus?” or “Why am I reading about Thomas Edison when I could be out playing Pokémon Go?“. (Did you know his middle name is Alva? Now you do!)

Who Wins?
Below each person is a their nickname, a few of their most recognizable traits/accomplishments, and then a list of color coded numbers, which we’ll explain in a second. Above each illustration is a more in depth paragraph about who they are and why they made their mark in history. It’s worded in a really easy to read way that won’t put you to sleep the way your textbooks do.

There’s also a few little known facts, some of which are things you’d never learn in school. You probably know Neil Armstrong was among the first men on the moon, but did you know he used to be an Eagle Scout?

Who Wins?
Now on to the fun part – the game! In the middle of the book are the interactive pages, where you’ll be given competitive categories and questions ranging from alien invasions to hot dog eating contests. You’ll flip through the book, pick your historical figures, and pick the winner based on the facts on each page, as well as those color coded stats we mentioned earlier.

Those stats list out the strengths and weaknesses (such as wealth, wisdom, bravery, etc) of each person so you can choose a winner for each battle. With the help of the stats and all that fresh info you just read about the historical figures, you’ll be able to not just pick a winner in these fun battles, but ace a test at school too!

Who Wins?
We love how “Who Wins?” can be used as a tool to study, a party game, a battle between siblings in the backseat of the car on a road trip, or really any scenario where you can have a book with you. (Which is basically every life situation, TBH). Since we couldn’t possibly tell you about such a fun thing without giving you a little taste, vote in the polls below to pick your winner for each of these match-ups!

Who Wins?

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Who Wins?
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Wasn’t that fun? And you even learned something! Think of how much more you’ll learn when you pick up a copy of “Who Wins?” at your favorite bookstore – and you’re in luck – it’s out today!

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