The Radio Adventures of Eleanor Amplified
Podcasts are all the rage these days, and since your favorite devices generally come equipped with an easy way to listen to them, it seems pretty obvious that there should be tons and tons of podcasts out there for awesome kids like you. Unfortunately, there’s really not much to choose from. There’s lots of podcasts for adults, podcasts for parents ABOUT kids, and podcasts for your little brother or sister – but there’s not really much for YOU. The kings and queens of the elementary school and the noobs of the middle school. The cool kids who love science, the nerdy kids who love sports, and everyone in between.
That’s where “The Radio Adventures of Eleanor Amplified” comes in! It’s a (fairly) new serialized drama podcast (and the most compelling internet story of our time) from WHYY in Philadelphia that covers everything from crafty villains to wild adventures to cat videos!
Created by John Sheehan, radio producer, father, and all around amazing guy for realizing his daughters needed a totally fierce lady hero to look up to, “The Radio Adventures of Eleanor Amplified” is inspired by old school radio shows that date back as far as the 1920’s! That’s right – podcasts weren’t always a thing. In fact, the Golden Age of Radio is what inspired so many of the fantastic podcasts of today!
The series started back in June, and the first 10 episodes are now available. (And they’re only about 10 minutes each, so catching up will be super quick!) We’ve already gobbled them all up, so we’re definitely ready for Season 2 to be a thing that exists.
Eleanor Amplified (is this the coolest name for a human person ever? yes? okay we thought so!) is a radio journalist and host of her own show in Union City. Each episode is filled with action, suspense, and danger as Eleanor foils evil schemes and outsmarts baddies all while investigating Mega Blerg, a mysterious company that seems to be up to some shady stuff.
Despite being captured, kidnapped, and otherwise bothered by nefarious villains, Eleanor manages to keep her cool, kick butt, and answer calls from her mom who’s always asking annoying tech questions about pop-up ads and fax machines! Her adventures take her all over the world from Scary Jungle Island to a cargo ship and even to outer space. She’s smart, she’s tough, and she’s full of journalistic integrity!
In addition to the awesome story, the podcast is also jam-packed with fun music, sound effects, and lots of witty jokes. Oh, and her fans are called Eleanerds, which is kind of amazing. Sound like something that’s right up your alley? You can download and listen to “The Radio Adventures of Eleanor Amplified” on the Apple Podcasts app, Stitcher, SoundCloud, or the WHYY website.