SWENext is Giving YOU the Chance to Be Featured in a Comic
We know you guys LOVE comics, but have you ever wished that you could star in one? Look no further! The Society of Women Engineers is giving YOU the chance to be featured in a really fun comic about engineering. The comic is called Constance & NANO: Engineering Adventure and it’s all about two amazing girls working together to solve problems using science, technology, engineering, and math.
By entering the SWENext contest, you’ll be eligible to win a chance to become a character in their next issue all about aerospace engineering. You’ll also win a trip for you and your favorite adult to visit Hartford, Connecticut for a VIP tour of the United Technologies Corporation facility, a leader in aerospace innovation. Sounds amazing right? Here’s how you can enter:
Your challenge is to construct a paper airplane that can carry as much cargo as possible while still being able to glide more than 10 feet. The cargo you’ll be carrying on your flight? Coins!
While crafting and testing your design, you’ll want to take lots of notes and capture the whole thing on video. You’ll need to include the following information in a 2-minute video to submit in order to enter the contest:
– Your paper airplane design process
– A fact about aerospace engineering and cargo transport you learned while researching your design
– Your working design
– Your maximum cargo payload and distance traveled
Pretty cool, right? We know lots of you amazing ladies are budding engineers and science lovers, so we had to share this amazing opportunity with you. In addition to your video submission, you’ll need to sign up to be a member of SWENext and be in 6-8th grade.
What’s SWENext? It’s a free program for girls interested in STEM! It’s filled with lots of resources, events, challenges, and clubs to help you achieve your dreams practice your amazing skills.
You’ll need to get your entries in by June 23rd, so you’ve got about a month to perfect your aircraft. For more information, read the first issue of the comic, and submit your entry, grab a parent and click here!
All about comics that help change the world in a big way? We think you’ll love reading Michael Recycle.