Lil’ Butters Are About To Be Your Next Big Obsession
Calling all social butterflies – Lil’ Butters are about to be your next big obsession. What are Lil’ Butters, exactly? They are collectable butterfly toys, each with their own unique personalities that ask the question “How Far Can You Fly?”
If you’ve ever felt like you needed a friend or felt a little unsure of yourself, these adorable butterflies are here to help! Lil’ Butters each represent a feeling or a personality trait, just like the ones you go through every day. Finding your Lil’ Butters match (or matches) means you’ll always have a friend to rely on and inspire you. Like surrounding yourself with great friends and family, each who understand you on a different level, surrounding yourself with Lil’ Butters has the same effect. They help you get in touch with who you are and celebrate all of your traits, all of your flaws, and everything that makes you…YOU!
Many cultures honor the butterfly as a symbol of transformation, which is what makes these butterfly gal pals so special. As you grow and change, like a butterfly, you blossom into the person you’re meant to be. The Lil’ Butters represent emotions and qualities that we all feel at one point or another and are here to let you know that it’s okay to be true to yourself and find out how far you can fly.
The toys will be released in series, and going by Series 1, should consist of about 6 butterflies each. You can collect them all because they’re cute and funky and look great in your room, or you can pick and choose the ones that best represent you. There’s no right or wrong way to do it.
The first series of Lil’ Butters covers love (both romance and heartache), music, confidence, sarcasm, and the peaceful spirit inside of us all.
Flip through the gallery to meet the Series 1 Lil’ Butters:
Lil' Butters - Love Stinks
If you’re like us and you can’t wait to get your hands on these fluttery friends, you don’t have too much longer to wait. Snaptoys is hoping to release Lil’ Butters in late Feb/early March, and Series 2 should be announced soon on!