12 Ways the We Bare Bears Just Totally Get It

If you’ve already started watching We Bare Bears, you’re already aware that it’s pretty much the greatest cartoon that has ever existed. Three adorable bear brothers trying to make it in the human world – they take selfies, they eat at food trucks, they use social media – they’re just like us! They may not always be the coolest and they might try a little too hard sometimes, but Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear seem to understand us in a way that no one else ever has!

12 Ways the We Bear Bears Just Totally Get It:

They truly understand the life blood that is a cell phone:
We Bare Bears

No really. They get it. Even a few minutes without a phone and Panda had a legit meltdown:
We Bare Bears

They know the importance of a well timed dramatic moment, especially when it’s being recorded:
We Bare Bears

They get that it’s okay to suck at stuff sometimes, as long as you put your heart into it:
We Bare Bears

They’re fully aware of the bitter sting of rejection, even when you had good intentions:
We Bare Bears

And how much it can stink to be single:
We Bare Bears

They know what it’s like to live and breathe the internet:
We Bare Bears

And the epic whirlwind of fury you feel when you’re disappointed by something you’ve been looking forward to:
We Bare Bears

…no…really. They do. Ice Bear demands justice:
We Bare Bears

They know it’s important to help out others, especially if they’re small and cute:
We Bare Bears

They know the feeling of being publicly shamed when you voice an unpopular opinion:
We Bare Bears

And most importantly, they understand  the importance of food. Especially when it’s free:
We Bare Bears

Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear are officially the spirit animals of an entire generation. Yo go, bears! Speaking of which, vote in our poll and tell us which bear is your fav!

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